Men's Civil War Caps
Mens Hats
In the United States, the kepi cap is most often associated with the American Civil War era. The civil war Kepi is a close copy of the contemporary French Kepi. The term Kepi is a loanword of the French word Kepi. The Kepi had a sunken top made out of wool and a leather squared visor. The kepi cap was worn by soldiers on both sides of the conflict. Confederate soldiers wore the grey kepis with a variety of insignias or badges depending on their ranks. Union soldiers wore the Navy Kepi with the appropriate ranks and badges too. Our collection of civil war caps are available in gray and navy. Our civil war caps are worn by many reenactment groups or civil war enthusiasts. Many of our styles are available with a variety of insignias or badges. Items are in Stock and are ready to ship right away. Place your order TODAY!

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